Prepare for Back to (Online) School/College

Hey all! This month for students is all about preparing for going back to school. I know that this is an exciting time for those transitioning to high school or college (like me). But due to uncontrollable events, most schools/universities are having to go virtual. This is not what I imagined for my first year of college. Studying from home with Zoom calls for learning?? I’ll let you know how that goes because I’m not sure either.

I know that virtual learning is gonna be a challenge so I have some tips on how to prepare as much as possible to get a good start to the year.

#1 Get Organized!

This is so important in order to be prepared. If your space is messy with tons of papers it will make it harder to keep your new papers separate.

Tasks: Clean desk, throw away old papers, keep pens/pencils and new notebooks, set up an inviting, quiet and distraction free work area.

#2 Recharge & Reset

Take half a day, a weekend, or just a few hours to completely unwind. It’s going to be different adjusting to your new routine after a long break/summer vacation. To help get back into the school mindset, spend some time to mentally prepare yourself before school/college starts.

Tasks: Schedule “Me time”, do activities that make you happy, be around family and friends(virtually).

#3 Create your Schedule

Now after you have organized your space and recharged, hopefully you feel motivated! It’s time to get serious. Like making a schedule serious. Don’t skip this step! Gather any emails, syllabus, due dates if given to you by your teachers/professors and get your calendar up.

Tasks: Use Google Calendar and put in all the deadlines, zoom meetings, and upcoming events for at least August and September.

#4 Buy textbooks, supplies, etc.

If you are a college student, make sure to buy your textbooks. If you are a high schooler, make sure to make a list of supplies needed for each class. Be prepared by being proactive!

Tasks: Buy necessary supplies, install Zoom/Video conferencing if applicable.

#5 Review Past Material

Sometimes, subjects like math and science need past knowledge as you learn more. Over the summer you can forget so just as a refresher, take a look at old notebooks from the subject to remember.

I hope this was helpful and good luck to those going back to school! Share your favorite ways to prepare for school and how you feel about virtual learning.

If you ever need help, advice or want to chat, dm me on Instagram @chic.neat.sweet

Thank you for reading and until next time don’t forget to stay Chic Neat and Sweet!

♡, Aditi

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